Language, Action and Perception (APL-ESSLLI) - Tutorials

In this tutorial, we are going to use Convolutional Neural Networks for image description.

The main notebook file and source code here.

You can also run the tutorial in Google Colab here.

The architecture of the simple model is as follows:

You can change the model and try other architectures as well.

(optional) Additionally, you can take a look at how the simple captioning model is trained and defined train_flickr30k_captions.ipynb. In order, to train a new model on Flickr 30K dataset you need to download and process images separately.

For example, fusing word embeddings with visual features in other architectures, such as:

The graphs are from Tanti et al. (2018):

  title={Where to put the image in an image caption generator},
  author={Tanti, Marc and Gatt, Albert and Camilleri, Kenneth P},
  journal={Natural Language Engineering},
  publisher={Cambridge University Press}